Women’s Issues

  • Don’t Return Arizona to the 1950s

    Arizona’s MAGA Republicans, like Trump cult Kool-Aid drinkers everywhere, long for a return to the patriarchy days of the 1950s when White hetero men ruled America and women, minorities and the LGBTQIA+ communities “knew their place.”

    Don't Vote Republican in November
    Download Link: Click here
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    Recommended Reading

    Arizona Politics and Government: The Quest for Autonomy, Democracy, and Development (Politics and Governments of the American States)
    Arizona Politics and Government: The Quest for Autonomy, Democracy, and Development (Politics and Governments of the American States) – Available from Amazon.com

    Arizona Politics and Government: The Quest for Autonomy, Democracy, and Development (Politics and Governments of the American States)

    Arizona has become a swing state in recent national elections, the source of controversial policies and policy proposals, and the home of well-known political personalities. In this new edition of Arizona Politics and Government, David R. Berman examines contemporary issues in a broad historical, comparative, and theoretical context to identify the mixture of ideas, activities, and events that have helped shape the essential character of the Arizona polity.

    Beginning with an overview of continuities and changes in Arizona politics, Berman then discusses more specific topics such as immigration and water issues, cultural wars, political extremism, voting rights, and political reform, as well as intergovernmental relations, judicial elections, the place of rural Arizona and organized labor in state politics, and the state’s treatment of Natives, Mexican Americans, and African Americans. Above all Berman considers the values, beliefs, and behavioral patterns reflected in the state’s political life that have fueled Arizonans’ quests for autonomy, democracy, and development.

  • Arizona MAGA GOP message to Women

    Thou shalt obey “Christian” White Men

    Arizona MAGA GOP message to women - Thou Shalt obey "Christian" White Men
    For TixTok – Download Link: Click here

  • “Christian” Theocracy?

    Neither God nor Jesus are Mentioned in the US Constitution

    What to live under a "Christian" theocracy?
    Download Link: Click here
  • Arizona’s Supreme Court Upheld 1864 Abortion Law

    Clint Bolick and Kathryn King are Up for Re-election

    The Arizona Supreme Court has voted to reinstate a 160-year-old law banning abortion. It will be one of the harshest anti-abortion laws in the nation with no exceptions for rape or incest. Arizona may become Ground Zero in the national battle over Women’s rights. Two of the Justices, Clint Bolick and Kathryn King, are up for re-election in November.

    The Arizona Supreme Court has voted to reinstate a 160-year-old law banning abortion. It will be one of the harshest anti-abortion laws in the nation with no exceptions for rape or incest. Arizona may become Ground Zero in the national battle over Women’s rights. Two of the Justices, Clint Bolick and Kathryn King, are up for re-election in November.
    The Arizona Supreme Court has voted to reinstate a 160-year-old law banning abortion. – Download Link: Click here
  • I Heard It Was Because He Ran Out of Locusts

    So-called “Christian” Nationalists are determined to “convert” the United States from a secular democracy to an Iran or Afghanistan-style theocracy. The abortion issue is just the start. These moral phonies have perverted the teachings to Christianity to support a patriarchal White supremacy fascist dictatorship. Can we get an Amen?

    I'm an Arizona Christian Nationalist. I believe Donald Trump was sent by God. I heard it was because He ran out of locusts.
    I’m an Arizona Christian Nationalist. I believe Donald Trump was sent by God. I heard it was because He ran out of locusts. – Download Link: Click here


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