Is Trump Another Hitler?

Fulton Co. Jail Inmate P01135809, also known as Donald J. Trump, also known as an ex-President of the United States, is making it increasingly clear he intends to be a neo-Nazi fascist dictator in the style of Adolf Hitler, a murderous megalomaniac tyrant from the last century. Yet millions of mostly white Americans adore Trump because they believe he will restore White power and control over the nation’s culture, economy and role on the world stage.

Trump Another Hitler?
Fulton Co. Jail Inmate P01135809, also known as Donald J. Trump, also known as an ex-President of the United States [1920 x 1080 pixels] Download Link: Click here

Recommended Reading

Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler: Making A Serious Comparison
Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler: Making A Serious Comparison – Available from

Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler: Making A Serious Comparison by Horace Bloom

How dare you compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler! Haven’t you heard of Godwin’s Law?

Let’s talk about this. There’s a cultural taboo against considering Nazi ideology in the context of present day politics. Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler by Horace Bloom confronts this taboo with responsibility, entering into a serious examination of the political histories of the Third Reich and our own time. Bloom’s work isn’t a diatribe, but carefully pays attention to both the similarities and differences between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, and the contexts in which they have risen to power.

With the spread of political violence in the United States, and growing extremism in the 2016 presidential election, the comparison between Trump and Hitler has become unavoidable. However, a presidential candidate as breathtakingly original as Donald Trump deserves more than just a snigger here and a snide remark there. Horace Bloom delivers a powerful review of the relevance of the darkest days the 20th century to the essential decisions we are faced with in our own time.

Don’t cast your vote in the 2016 presidential election without confronting the complex web of connections between Trump and Hitler.


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